Valentine’s Day Love Bird

Last week was Valentine’s Day.

Well… I have to admit that I do not think that an appointed day for raising sales for flowers and chocolates is specifically romantic. However, I also think that we should seize any chance to show some love. Especially in times like these.

That is why I want to share a Valentine’s Day card with you today.


This technique is inspired by the famous Jennifer McGuire.

It is a one-layer card; the bird is masked to allow the text in the background. The even spacing between the sentiments was achieved using a mini misti, a stamp positioner.

I used this technique before without the misti. The results aren’t too shabby either. Here are some of the examples:

Christmas Card Deer brown

Christmas Card Deer red

Using the misti is however a lot easier.

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Über Christina Hagenauer

passionate paper designer and crafter
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